Week 1

Week 1

In Year Six, our aim is to ensure that all children become happy, successful and independent learners. These activities will help ensure your children can continue to make the excellent progress they have been making in school at home and help prepare them for secondary school. Children should aim to complete at least four sessions of work per day; ideally, each session should be from a different subject area. Please send pictures or screenshots of any complete work to your teacher via Dojo so we can continue to support your learning.  



The children need to be secure in their knowledge of all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division); they should be able to answer arithmetic style questions both rapidly and accurately and then apply this knowledge to solve reasoning problems. They also need to secure in their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages.  This week, they need to focus on a different number operation each day. All of the activities suggested below will help support with this. In school, we normally do maths from 9:20 – 10:20, then arithmetic from 10:20 – 10:50. 

This week will be a recap and consolidation of the four basic operations. You need to complete one session per day, it is best to try and complete them in order as the skills are progressive. Good luck, remember this is not new learning but to help you remember the key skills we have learnt so far. If you get stuck, look at the teaching on the page or send us a message on Dojo, we will be there and glad to help you. 


Session 1 

Addition and subtraction of whole numbers: 


Now try to apply this to some word problems… 



Session 2 

Multiplication – only by one digit, try to go as fast as you can… 


Multiplication word problems to have a go at: 



Session 3  

Now for division – use your times table knowledge to solve these simple arithmetic questions. 


Can you apply these to word problems? 



Session 4  

Now for your favourite… adding fractions! 


Remember, it’s easy when the denominator is the same 1/4 add 2/4  = 3/4 (the denominator must be the same and remain the same when adding!) 



Session 5 – I hope you are still feeling well and have escaped the bugs! If you have, here’s some more maths… 

A mixture of all you have learnt this week… 




BONUS ROUND – any evidence of your amazing extra work on polygons will earn you 10 effort marks (if you complete the daily tasks too) 




In order to be successful Year Six readers, children must be able to read complicated texts accurately and fluently, making sense of what they have read and using all of this to answer comprehension questions. The main way this can be achieved at home is through regular reading. Try and choose books that interest your child and encourage them to think about the meaning of what they have read. We have also put together a comprehension for each day which is linked below. Allow your children approximately 5 minutes to read the text and the 15 minutes to answer the questions. When they have finished, discuss their answers with them. In school, we do reading from 11:10 – 11:40 each day. 

Session 1 


Session 2 


Session 3 


Session 4 


Session 5 





In writing, the children need to be able to write for a range of purposes. When doing this, they should use a range of punctuation accurately and for effect. So far, we have learned how to:  

  • Use parentheses (brackets, dashes and commas) to mark extra information (BBC Bitesize) 
  • Use semi colons to separate two, similar independent clauses (BBC Bitesize) 
  • Use a colon to introduce a list (Music Video) 
  • Use hyphens to avoid ambiguity (BBC Bitesize) 

Children also need to ensure that their writing is interesting and detailed. To support this, children have so far learned to: 

  • Use pathetic fallacy 
  • Use metaphors and similes (BBC Bitesize) 

This week, we would like to children to continue writing their Titanic story at home. Watch a small section of the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFfdGUWNges&t=96s) each day and choose a minimum of three things to include but try and include as many as you can. In school, we do writing each day from 11:40 – 12:45.  Don’t worry if they have forgotten how to use a skill as the links suggested will explain what to do. When your child has written their paragraph for the day, send it over to their teacher so they can give feedback if required. Don’t forget to tell us which skills you have tried to include so we can check they are in there.  

Page BreakGrammar 

We have now covered all of the Y6 grammar objectives in school but it is important you don’t forget anything. Try and keep going over everything we have learned, using: 

BBC Bitesize: This is useful if you are struggling with a particular area of grammar or punctuation; it has fun videos and explanations to help you understand.  

Grammarsaurus and Grammaroplois: A selection of fun videos, which explain tricky grammar concepts in an interesting and meaningful way.  

Trapped-Punctuation: Three punctuation games where you need to punctuated paragraphs and sentences to gain the Key of Freedom to escape from the tower.  

Word Types: This site is quite a challenge as you have to spot different types of words, like prepositions and adverbs in action and highlight them.  

This week, we would like you to complete the following SATs questions. We normally do grammar for 20 minutes in the afternoon, three times a week.  

Session 1  


Session 2 

Passive and Active Voice 

Session 3 

Formal and Informal Language 

Page BreakCurriculum 

In our curriculum lessons, our topic has been ‘Frozen Kingdom’. For your learning this week, we would like you to complete the following project. We normally spend two hours on curriculum each week.  

Use a range of snowy images to create a polar collage. Remember to use lots of interesting textures, shapes, colours and patterns. 



In science, we have been learning about evolution and adaptation. For your learning this week, we would like you to watch the first episode of Frozen Planet (https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00zj1q5/frozen-planet-1-to-the-ends-of-the-earth ). When you have watched it, choose an animal and research how it has adapted to its habitat. You can present this learning in any way you wish but don’t forget to send us a picture on Dojo! We normally do science for an hour a week.  



A nice bit of relaxing yoga to de-stress and re-focus J 



Linking to our maths learning… 
