
The IFTL Childhood Pledge will support me to engage with others, to develop my understanding of my community and allow me to be a responsible and active citizen.

  • Pack bags in super market;
  • Make a card (e.g. for a patient at a local hospital);
  • Raise money for charity;
  • Donate to local foodbank.


The IFTL Childhood Pledge will support me to know how to look after the world I live in.  I will understand the impact I can have on the world around me and I will strive to care for and protect our planet.

  • Be an ‘Eco warrior’;
  • Recycling pledge in school;
  • Take part in the ‘Big Litter Pick’;
  • Look after the plants and animals on our site.


The IFTL Childhood Pledge will support me to have an understanding and appreciation of where I belong within my community, my past, the values and beliefs of others and how all of this impacts on my future.

  • Visit a local sports match;
  • Visit a place of worship;
  • Know about the impact of WW1 and 2 on Corby;
  • Visit our local library and council offices.


The IFTL Childhood Pledge will support me to experience a range of adventures which will broaden my knowledge and understanding of the people and places around me.  I will welcome visitors into my learning environment and engage with the wider community through visits, making memories along the way.

  • Go on a coach with my friends;
  • Visit the Autumn centre;
  • Visits from people who help us e.g. fireman, dentist.


The IFTL Childhood Pledge will support me to live an active and flourishing lifestyle so I can make informed and healthy decisions that have a positive effect on my own life and of those around me.

  • Learn to swim;
  • Take part in a sports day;
  • Design a healthy lunch;
  • Learn to ride a bike safely;
  • Take part in a triathlon.


The IFTL Childhood Pledge will support me to explore my creativity and imagination whilst allowing me to develop my confidence through the enjoyment of the arts.

  • Perform on a stage;
  • Recite poetry;
  • Watch a theatrical production;
  • Visit an art gallery.

Life Skills

The IFTL Childhood Pledge will support me to learn about money, how to save and spend money sensibly.  It helps me to develop my life skills which help me to contribute to my family, learning how to look after myself

  • Participate in Young Enterprise Week;
  • Learn how to keep myself safe (Service Six);
  • Raise money through a class activity;
  • Take part in a vote / debate

IFTL Community

The IFTL Childhood Pledge will support me to work alongside my peers within my own school as well as schools throughout the Trust.  We will celebrate each other’s achievements and share our learning journey together.

  • ‘Pen Pals’ with classes from other schools in the Trust;
  • IFTL Student Council Forum;
  • Participate in a Maths challenge.