Week 8

During the partial re-opening of school, we will still be setting work for children to complete at home. As always, please encourage your child to complete around 4-5 activities a day. Teachers will still be monitoring ClassDojo so please remember to send in pictures of your child’s work so that they can earn lots of effort marks! Weekly phone calls will also continue to be made, however these will not be made by the class teacher. If you have any questions about the work that has been set or have any other queries about the partial re-opening of school, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher directly on ClassDojo.

Happy Learning!


Year 3 to Year 6 Big Idea Weekly Challenges Creativity



The links below link to the worksheets provided:







In order for children to excel in reading, it is important that children read at home every day. You can support your child develop their reading ability by asking them some questions after they have read independently. These may include:

  • Summarise what has happened in the part of the story you just read.
  • How do you think (character) is feeling? Why do you think that?
  • What do you think might happen next? How do you know?
  • Do you think this story will have a happy ending or a sad ending? How do you know?




In writing, the children need to be able to write for a range of purposes. Children will need to complete a story starter using a picture to guide their writing. Please use the grammar focus listed to guide your child’s writing.



Make sure to tune into the daily Joe Wicks P.E. sessions to ensure children are remaining active!
