Please encourage your child to complete around 4-5 activities a day. They should complete work for Maths, Arithmetic, Reading, English and SPaG every day. If you have any questions about the work that has been set, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher on ClassDojo.

As always, we welcome any feedback that you may wish to share.

Happy Learning!



Our focus in maths has now moved on to statistics. Children are working on being able to read, interpret and analyse data. This week we will be focussing on this, ensuring that children are able to read a given set of data and answer word problems about this.



The links and resources below may help your child with this work:




In order to ensure children are secure in the four operations, children usually answer arithmetic questions whilst being timed. For the questions below, children are usually given 10 minutes (depending on the number of questions). This works out to be around a minute per question.



In order for children to excel in reading, children must be able to read fluently and show an understanding of what they have read. It is vital that children read at home every day. You can inspire a love of reading in your child by allowing them to read texts which they enjoy or have an interest in. In addition to this, ensuring that children can demonstrate an understanding of what they read is crucial. You can support your child in doing this by asking them some questions after they have read independently. These may include:

  • Summarise what has happened in the part of the story you just read.
  • How do you think (character) is feeling? Why do you think that?
  • What do you think might happen next? How do you know?
  • Do you think this story will have a happy ending or a sad ending? How do you know?

This term, we are focussing on ensuring that children are able to apply all reading skills when completing a reading comprehension. Allow your child to spend time reading the text below and then allow them to answer the questions independently. Once they have done this, go through each question, ensuring that children can tell you exactly where in the text they have found the answers.



In writing, the children need to be able to write for a range of purposes. This week we will be asking children to write a sound poem. We would recommend that children spend some time planning their poem, before trying to write and then perform it. Encourage your child to think about the theme of the poem they are writing and to consider how they will include a range of sounds.

The following breakdown may support them in doing so:

  • Plan: read the example poems and create a mind map about what the title of the poem will be. Note down key sound words which may be used in the poem.
  • Writing: Spend 2 or 3 days writing the poem, making sure that they use the plan to check they have stuck to their theme.
  • Rehearsal: Time to rehearse reciting the poem! Use the following tips by Michael Rosen to help!
  • Performance: Once they have rehearsed the poem well, allow them time to perform this in front of someone in the house!

Remember to send videos of performances to your child’s class teacher, if possible.


SPaG (Spelling Punctuation and Grammar)

Allow your child time to complete the SPaG test, before discussing the answers together.


Curriculum/ RE/ P.E.

For curriculum this week, children will be focussing on tempo and also creating instruments at home!

Be as creative as you can!


Make sure to tune into the daily Joe Wicks P.E. sessions to ensure children are remaining active!


We also have an ongoing R.E project which children may also choose to work on one day each week.