OPAL – Are you able to donate?

As promised a little update. We are in the early stages of the first part of OPAL, our improving playtimes project….which is collecting!

We have begun the process of finalising the storage shed so we are ready to move onto trying to start up some ‘quick wins’ that we can put instantly out onto the playground.

Do any of you have any of the following items? (or can get your hands on some through FB market place/friends etc!)

Any outdoor storage boxes (Keter storage units etc)
Plastic crates and trays eg bread trays
Small world boxes – builder’s grade toolboxes
Outdoor music players eg Makita, DeWalt
Playground chalks – big one and lots
Cardboard boxes (from all deliveries)
Basic messy kitchen/cafe – pots, pans and utensils
Dressing up clothes
Fabric – duvet cases, sheets, curtains, old saris (silk is one of the more weather proof materials), netting and gauzy materials
Lightweight plastic pallets
Large outdoor building kits (eg Kit-camp product, Snug and Outdoors, Noodle Cart, Imagination Playground)
Water play basics – lots of watering cans
Bubble play basics (bubble machine)
Brushes and foam
Wheeled play – low level
Soft loose parts – materials, tarpaulins, soft nets, fabric, cushions, soft suitcases

Please hand any of these items to Sarah Politano who has taken on the role of our OPAL Play co-ordinator, or myself. Even if it is only a few things they will all add up and make a huge difference to our children’s playtimes.

Lastly, we also want to collect your views! Please can I ask that all parents fill out this short survey on our playtime provision currently. Your opinions and voice matter to us and is important that we listen to what you have to say. The survey should only take a couple of minutes and we ask that this is completed by MONDAY 27th November.


Many thanks in advance.