At Exeter A Learning Community, we believe that a high-quality History education is essential in helping children to gain a good understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.   One of the primary aims of our History curriculum is to inspire our pupils’ curiosity and to instil in them a desire to know more about the past.  


We believe that History presents children with the opportunities to develop the fundamental skills of enquiry and questioning; to become open minded ‘historical detectives’ and to explore the past in an exciting and engaging way. Our History curriculum aims to bring History to life, in order to help pupils to understand the process of change and the diversity of societies, as well as understanding their own identity and the challenges of their time. 


Our children study a wide range of ancient, British and world History, learning about famous historical figures and exploring how and why they have influenced our lives today. We enable opportunities for our children to explore the past through the use of a variety of sources of information to find clues and evidence and take part in discussions with their peers. We also aim to provide first hand experiences with role play, class assemblies, historical visits, workshops and visiting experts playing an important part in all our topics. 


While our History Curriculum focuses on acquiring facts and knowledge about the past, we also place great emphasis upon using the appropriate vocabulary linked to the topic